Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is a Christian prison ministry that reaches inmates nationwide with the love, hope, and salvation of Jesus Christ. We assist chaplains with Bibles, New Testaments, tracts, literature, audios, videos, and counseling.
The mission of Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ into prisons and correctional facilities throughout the United States.
“I was in prison and you came to visit me”
(Matt. 25:36 NIV)
We have just published a new issue of “The Good News Letter.” The issue is called “April 2025” and the main article is “The Wheat and the Chaff.” It is also available on our “Christian Newsletters in English” page along with other issues from the past.
There are twenty-four new prayer requests. Nineteen of them are from the United States. And two from India, one from Finland,
one from Nigeria, and one from Australia. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are seventeen new prayer requests. Fourteen are from the United States. And one from Canada, one from Romania, and one from Nepal. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are seventeen new prayer requests. Twelve of them are from the United States. And one from Ghana, one from the UK, one from the Philippines, one from India, and one from Canada. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are twelve new prayer requests. Ten are from the United States. And one from the Philippines and one from an unknown location. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are nine new prayer requests. Seven of them are from the United States. And one from Australia and one from Canada. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are fourteen new prayer requests. Ten are from the United States. And one from South Africa, one from Nigeria, one from Slovakia, and one from France. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are ten new prayer requests. Five of them are from the United States. And two from South Africa, one from India, one from Finland, and one from Canada. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are ten new prayer requests. Five of them are from the United States. And two from South Africa, one from India, one from Finland, and one from Canada. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are fifteen new prayer requests. Eight are from the United States. Two from India, one from the South Africa, one from the Philippines, one from Uganda, one from Kenya, and one from Ghana. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
We have just published a new issue of “The Good News Letter.” The issue is called “March 2025” and the main article is “Your Spiritual Buttons.” It is also available on our “Christian Newsletters in English” page along with other issues from the past.
There are six new prayer requests. Three are from the United States. One from New Zealand, one from the United Kingdom, and one from unknown. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are twelve new prayer requests. Eleven of them are from the United States. And one from Malaysia. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
There are twenty-four new prayer requests. Eighteen of them are from the United States. Two are from Australia, one is from Canada, one from Slovakia, one from India, and one from South Africa. You can view them on our Prayer Requests page.
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is not a church but a non-denominational, nonprofit Christian prison ministry reaching inmates and youth offenders throughout the United States with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We take the Bible literally as what it is, the inspired Word of God. It is our firm belief that even the most hardened of criminals can be touched and changed forever by the power and love of our Lord and Savior. We provide prison chaplains with free English and Spanish Christian literature (Bibles, Bible studies, booklets, counseling book sets, tracts, etc.), audios, and videos that will assist them in reaching prisoners with the Holy Word of God. We also provide counseling and encouragement to those who want to turn from their past and live for Jesus.
There are 2.2 million prisoners in correctional facilities today. About 4.8 million people are on parole or probation.
There are approximately 2.7 million children who have a parent in a jail or correctional facility in the United States.
From 1993 to the present, we have distributed 14,341 English and 3,673 Spanish Bibles, 9,911 English and 1,002 Spanish New Testaments, and 7,926 Gospels of John nationwide.
The following items have been handed out in English and Spanish - 384,594 Bible booklets, 301 Bible Studies, 29,984 Christian books, 426 Counseling Sets, 1,353 Videos and Audios, and 668,395 leaflets and other material.
I am fed by the non-traditionalist way Anne and her husband bring forth the relevance of God’s word. Their newsletters in Spanish help me to witness to Latino inmates, but are in need of encouragement and hope. The newsletter is having a global impact for Jesus. Keep up the faithful work.
The video and the tracts that you have given us are GREAT! The inmates are excited about the new material. I thank God for people like you. I pray that God continues to bless your ministry (Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc.) and all people associated with it. Keep up the good work!
Thru BBFI, I have built a foundation, a sense of unhappiness with my past criminal behavior and thinking, and replacing them with a sense of responsibility and development of empathy for others. I am learning to think in ways that are rational, realistic, and responsible. I found Jesus.
I have received Bibles, books, literature and videos from BBFI. All of these items help the inmates to understand God’s word and to grow in their faith. It is a blessing to have Christian literature to place in their hands. This literature helps spread the gospel and sets the captives free.
Donate now by credit card to help us reach those who are in spiritual darkness. God’s Word changes lives!
DonateDo you have a prayer request? If so and you would like others to pray for you, we encourage you to click below.
PrayerWe will send you an email whenever we release a new ebook, newsletter, or other information.
Copyright © 2024 Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. All rights reserved.
Our Christian prison ministry is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.